Source code for ssllabs.cert

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2016 Taylor C. Richberger <>
# This code is released under the license described in the LICENSE file

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from ssllabs.object import Object
from ssllabs.util import objectornone

[docs]class Cert(Object): '''Cert object that can be used to access the certificate of an endpoint, accessed from :meth:`ssllabs.endpointdetails.EndpointDetails.cert`''' def __init__(self, data): self.__subject = data.get('subject') self.__commonNames = data.get('commonNames') self.__altNames = data.get('altNames') self.__notBefore = (datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) + timedelta(milliseconds=data['notBefore'])) if 'notBefore' in data else None self.__notAfter = (datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) + timedelta(milliseconds=data['notAfter'])) if 'notAfter' in data else None self.__issuerSubject = data.get('issuerSubject') self.__sigAlg = data.get('sigAlg') self.__issuerLabel = data.get('issuerLabel') self.__revocationInfo = objectornone(RevocationInfo, data, 'revocationInfo') self.__crlURIs = data.get('crlURIs') self.__ocspURIs = data.get('ocspURIs') self.__revocationStatus = data.get('revocationStatus') self.__crlRevocationStatus = data.get('crlRevocationStatus') self.__ocspRevocationStatus = data.get('ocspRevocationStatus') self.__sgc = objectornone(SGC, data, 'sgc') self.__validationType = data.get('validationType') self.__issues = objectornone(Issues, data, 'issues') self.__sct = data.get('sct') self.__mustStaple = data.get('mustStaple') @property def subject(self): '''certificate subject''' return self.__subject @property def commonNames(self): '''common names extracted from the subject''' return self.__commonNames @property def altNames(self): '''alternative names''' return self.__altNames @property def notBefore(self): '''timestamp before which the certificate is not valid''' return self.__notBefore @property def notAfter(self): '''timestamp after which the certificate is not valid''' return self.__notAfter @property def issuerSubject(self): '''issuer subject''' return self.__issuerSubject @property def sigAlg(self): '''certificate signature algorithm''' return self.__sigAlg @property def issuerLabel(self): '''issuer name''' return self.__issuerLabel @property def revocationInfo(self): ''':class:`RevocationInfo` object representing revocation information present in the certificate''' return self.__revocationInfo @property def crlURIs(self): '''CRL URIs extracted from the certificate''' return self.__crlURIs @property def ocspURIs(self): '''OCSP URIs extracted from the certificate''' return self.__ocspURIs @property def revocationStatus(self): '''a number that describes the revocation status of the certificate: 0 - not checked 1 - certificate revoked 2 - certificate not revoked 3 - revocation check error 4 - no revocation information 5 - internal error''' return self.__revocationStatus @property def crlRevocationStatus(self): '''same as revocationStatus, but only for the CRL information (if any).''' return self.__crlRevocationStatus @property def ocspRevocationStatus(self): '''same as revocationStatus, but only for the OCSP information (if any).''' return self.__ocspRevocationStatus @property def sgc(self): '''Server Gated Cryptography support as an :class:`SGC` object''' return self.__sgc @property def validationType(self): '''E for Extended Validation certificates; may be null if unable to determine''' return self.__validationType @property def issues(self): '''list of certificate issues as an :class:`Issues` object''' return self.__issues @property def sct(self): '''true if the certificate contains an embedded SCT; false otherwise.''' return self.__sct @property def mustStaple(self): '''a number that describes the must staple feature extension status: 0 - not supported 1 - Supported, but OCSP response is not stapled 2 - Supported, OCSP response is stapled''' return self.__mustStaple
[docs]class RevocationInfo(object): '''revocation information present in the certificate, from :meth:`Cert.revocationInfo`''' def __init__(self, data): self.__crl = bool(1 & data) self.__ocsp = bool(2 & data) @property def crl(self): '''CRL information available''' return self.__crl @property def ocsp(self): '''OCSP information available''' return self.__ocsp
[docs]class SGC(object): '''Server Gated Cryptography support, from :meth:`Cert.sgc`''' def __init__(self, data): self.__netscape = bool(1 & data) self.__microsoft = bool(2 & data) @property def netscape(self): '''Netscape SGC''' return self.__netscape @property def microsoft(self): '''Microsoft SGC''' return self.__microsoft
[docs]class Issues(object): '''Issues that may be present, from :meth:`Cert.issues`''' def __init__(self, data): self.__nochainoftrust = bool(1 & data) self.__notbefore = bool(2 & data) self.__notafter = bool(4 & data) self.__hostnamemismatch = bool(8 & data) self.__revoked = bool(16 & data) self.__badcommonname = bool(32 & data) self.__selfsigned = bool(64 & data) self.__blacklisted = bool(128 & data) self.__insecuresignature = bool(256 & data) @property def nochainoftrust(self): '''No Chain of Trust''' return self.__nochainoftrust @property def notbefore(self): '''Violates Not Before constraint''' return self.__notbefore @property def notafter(self): '''Violates Not After constraint''' return self.__notafter @property def hostnamemismatch(self): '''Hostnames mismatched''' return self.__hostnamemismatch @property def revoked(self): '''Certificate revoked''' return self.__revoked @property def badcommonname(self): '''Bad Common Name''' return self.__badcommonname @property def selfsigned(self): '''Self-signed certificate''' return self.__selfsigned @property def blacklisted(self): '''Certificate blacklisted''' return self.__blacklisted @property def insecuresignature(self): '''Insecure Signature''' return self.__insecuresignature