Source code for ssllabs.client

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2016 Taylor C. Richberger <>
# This code is released under the license described in the LICENSE file

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit, urlencode
import six

import requests

from ssllabs import errors
from import Host
from import Info
from ssllabs.statuscodes import StatusCodes

[docs]class Client(object): '''The main entry point of this module, used to run analysis and get data''' def __init__(self, entrypoint=''): '''initializes the client object. :param str entrypoint: The entrypoint URL for the API; usually shouldn't be changed ''' self.entrypoint = entrypoint self.__host = None @property def entrypoint(self): '''Returns the entrypoint URL. Because the URL is disassembled on setting and reassembled on getting, the URL may not match the exact string as set, but will semantically match as the same URL (for instance, an empty query string and fragment are identical to absent ones). :returns: the entrypoint as set with the entrypoint property or __init__ :rtype: str ''' return urlunsplit((self.__scheme, self.__netloc, self.__path, '', '')) @entrypoint.setter def entrypoint(self, value): '''Sets the entrypoint URL. Because this calls urlsplit, an invalid URL will raise whatever exceptions it would when fed directly into urlsplit. :param str value: The URL to set ''' parts = urlsplit(value) self.__scheme = parts.scheme self.__netloc = parts.netloc self.__path = parts.path.rstrip('/')
[docs] def info(self): '''Calls the info API endpoint. :returns: the info data :rtype: ''' path = '/'.join((self.__path, 'info')) url = urlunsplit((self.__scheme, self.__netloc, path, '', '')) request = requests.get(url) request.raise_for_status() return Info(request.json())
[docs] def statusCodes(self): '''Calls the getStatusCodes API endpoint. :returns: the StatusCodes data :rtype: ssllabs.statuscodes.StatusCodes ''' path = '/'.join((self.__path, 'getStatusCodes')) url = urlunsplit((self.__scheme, self.__netloc, path, '', '')) request = requests.get(url) request.raise_for_status() return StatusCodes(request.json())
[docs] def analyze(self, host, publish=False, ignoreMismatch=False): '''A generator that iteratively calls analyze on a host until it is done or errored. Does not return the host structure, but sets it to the object for recalling with the :meth:`host` property. When you run this, you must iterate it to completion before trying to access the host property. You can do this with a loop like:: for data in client.analyze(""): time.sleep(10) It is done this way to enable the user to construct their own asynchronous setups if they wish, without enforcing a specific framework or language version. For instance, a proper async coroutine for python 3.5 could be constructed to do this something like this:: from ssllabs.client import Client import asyncio async def analyze(hostname): client = Client() for data in client.analyze(hostname): await asyncio.sleep(10) return This will let you check multiple endpoints at once, or run the analysis while doing other work. The data yielded is the same form as the data put into the host property, but is expected to be incomplete; in particular, there will be no EndpointDetails. You can use this data to possibly provide an ETA and progress bar, however. It is quite fancy. :raises ssllabs.errors.ResponseError: subclass if an error was encountered with a known code :raises requests.HTTPError: if an error was encountered that isn't a known code, the raw error is returned :param str host: The host to test :param bool publish: Whether to publish the results on the Qualys SSL Labs site :param bool ignoreMismatch: Proceed with assessments even when the server certificate doesn't match the assessment hostname ''' path = '/'.join((self.__path, 'analyze')) # Start the run query = {'host': host, 'all': 'done'} if publish: query['publish'] = 'on' if ignoreMismatch: query['ignoreMismatch'] = 'on' startnewquery = {'startNew': 'on'} startnewquery.update(query) try: url = urlunsplit((self.__scheme, self.__netloc, path, urlencode(startnewquery), '')) request = requests.get(url) request.raise_for_status() data = request.json() url = urlunsplit((self.__scheme, self.__netloc, path, urlencode(query), '')) while data['status'] in {'IN_PROGRESS', 'DNS'}: yield Host(data) request = requests.get(url) request.raise_for_status() data = request.json() self.__host = Host(data) except requests.HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code in raise[e.response.status_code](e.response.reason) else: raise e
@property def host(self): '''Gets the host data. :raises ssllabs.errors.NoHostError: if a full call to analyze hasn't been completed :returns: The host object :rtype: ''' if self.__host is None: raise errors.NoHostError('analyze must be run to completion before the host property may be accessed') return self.__host