Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2016 Taylor C. Richberger <>
# This code is released under the license described in the LICENSE file

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

from datetime import timedelta
import six

from ssllabs.object import Object

[docs]class Info(Object): '''The info object, accessed through :meth:``''' def __init__(self, data): self.__version = data.get('version') self.__criteriaVersion = data.get('criteriaVersion') self.__maxAssessments = data.get('maxAssessments') self.__currentAssessments = data.get('currentAssessments') self.__newAssessmentCoolOff = timedelta(milliseconds=data['newAssessmentCoolOff']) if 'newAssessmentCoolOff' in data else None self.__messages = data.get('messages', list()) @property def version(self): '''SSL Labs software version as a string (e.g., "1.11.14")''' return self.__version @property def criteriaVersion(self): '''rating criteria version as a string (e.g., "2009f")''' return self.__criteriaVersion @property def maxAssessments(self): '''the maximum number of concurrent assessments the client is allowed to initiate.''' return self.__maxAssessments @property def currentAssessments(self): '''the number of ongoing assessments submitted by this client.''' return self.__currentAssessments @property def newAssessmentCoolOff(self): '''the cool-off period after each new assessment, as a timedelta; you're not allowed to submit a new assessment before the cool-off expires, otherwise you'll get a 429.''' return self.__newAssessmentCoolOff @property def messages(self): '''a list of messages (strings). Messages can be public (sent to everyone) and private (sent only to the invoking client). Private messages are prefixed with "[Private]".''' return self.__messages